9 biggest mortgage mistakes

A mortgage is the biggest debt most of us will ever carry, and a home is the most expensive purchase we will ever make.

That’s why it’s so important to avoid pitfalls like making a major job change right before your home loan closes or failing to anticipate long-term home ownership costs.

These mistakes and others can cause you to pay more than you need to, prevent your loan from closing or even lead to bankruptcy.

Don’t let the unfamiliarity and enormity of the situation scare you. People make smart mortgage choices every day. They get home loans with great interest rates, low fees, and predictable, fixed monthly payments and they make a budget ahead of time so they don’t get in over their heads.

Our guide will turn you into a savvy borrower so that owning your home will be a joy, not a burden, and will help you achieve long-term financial security.

Slide show by Amy Fontinelle

Please visit interest.com for full story


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